Name of the satellite ATS 6
Other name(s) ATS-F
Advanced Tech. Sat. 6
COSPAR designation 74-039A
Project(s) Manager(s) of the satellite Charles M. MacKenzie (retired)
Institute of the project(s) manager(s) NASA-GSFC
Country or Space Agency USA
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Launch date (dd-mm-yyyy) 30-05-1974
Termination date (dd-mm-yyyy) 30-06-1979
Lifetime of the satellite (month) 61
Type of the orbits GEO
(Initial) Perigee (km) 35763
(Initial) Apogee (km / Re) 35818 / 5.6
Orbital period (min / hour) 1436.3 / 23.9
Spin rate (rpm) ?????
Eccentricity 0.00065
Inclination (°) 1.8
Observed regions Magnetosphere in synchronous orbit
Observed waves ULF waves
Name of the experiment Magnetometer Experiment