CRRES - Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFGL-701-13-1)

PI of the experiment or contact person H. J. Singer
Institute of the PI or of the contact person (country) SEC-NOAA       (USA)
E-mail of the PI or of the contact person
Type of experiment A triaxial fluxgate magnetometer, which sensors are mounted
in a signal housing on a rigid Astromast boom (the 6.1 m boom locates
the sensors ~7.5 m from the center of the spacecraft)
References about the experiment Fluxgate Magnetometer Instrument on the CRRES (E12.1)
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Start experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 25-07-1990
End experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 09-10-1991
Lifetime of the experiment (month) 14
Highest data date 16 kpbs
Preliminary results Advances in substorm physics from CRRES (R12.1)
Measured data (k, w, Bo, E(t), B(t), polarisation, Vphase, ...) The ambient geomagnetic field and low-frequency variations in that field
Data range ± 850 nT and ± 45000 nT
Sensitivity 0.4 nT and 22 nT
Time resolution ?????
Sampling rate 16 samples per second
Data formats and supports Online
Location of the data
References about the data *****
High-resolution data (support, place, contact) H. J. Singer