Cluster II - Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM)

PI of the experiment or contact person Andre Balogh
Institute of the PI or of the contact person (country) ICST        (UK)
E-mail of the PI or of the contact person
Type of experiment This instrument consists of two tri-axial fluxgate magnetometers mounted
on one of the two 5 m radial booms, plus a data processing unit (DPU) on
the main equipment platform. The magnetometer boom lies in the spacecraft
spin plane and the sensors are mounted such that the X axes are aligned
with the spacecraft spin axis, and the other axes are in the spin plane.
References about the experiment The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation (E?.1)
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Start experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 01-02-2001
End experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) ?????
Lifetime of the experiment (month) ?????
Highest data rate 5.6 kbps
Preliminary results (R?.1)
Measured data (k, w, Bo, E(t), B(t), polarisation, Vphase, ...) Wave-form of the magnetic field
Data range DC - 10 Hz ± 65536 nT
Sensitivity up to 8 pT
Time resolution  
Sampling rate 67 vector samples per second
Data formats and supports CD-Rom and Internet
Location of the data
References about the data
High-resolution data (support, place, contact) Andre Balogh (