Name of the satellite ESA-GEOS 2
Other name(s) 10981
COSPAR designation 78-071A
Project(s) Manager(s) of the satellite Derek E. Mullinger
Institute of the project(s) manager(s) ESA-SPICE
Country or Space Agency ESA
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Launch date (dd-mm-yyyy) 14-07-1978
Termination date (dd-mm-yyyy) 01-1983
Lifetime of the satellite (month) 54
Type of the orbits GEO
(Initial) Perigee (km) 36009
(Initial) Apogee (km / Re) 36071 / 5.66
Orbital period (min / hour) 1449 / 24.15
Spin rate (rpm) 10
Eccentricity 0.000736
Inclination (°) 12.67
Observed regions Magnetosphere
Observed waves Wave in the ULF, ELF and VLF frequency ranges
Name of the first experiment Magnetic Wave Fields (S-300)
Name of the second experiment Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer (S-331)