Name of the satellite INJUN 5
Other name(s) INJUN C
Explorer 40
COSPAR designation 68-066B
Project(s) Manager(s) of the satellite John E. Rogers
Institute of the project(s) manager(s) DPA-UI
Country or Space Agency USA
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Launch date (dd-mm-yyyy) 08-08-1968
Termination date (dd-mm-yyyy) 06-1971
Lifetime of the satellite (month) 34
Type of the orbits LEO
(Initial) Perigee (km) 665
(Initial) Apogee (km / Re) 2525 / 0.4
Orbital period (min / hour) 118.3 / 1.97
Spin rate (rpm) ?????
Eccentricity 0.11657
Inclination (°) 80.7
Observed regions Magnetosphere and ionosphere
Observed waves Very low frequency (VLF) radio emission, electron and proton whistlers,
chorus, ELF hiss, VLF hiss and periodic emissions
Name of the experiment VLF Receiver