Interball Auroral - VLF Electromagnetic Waves (NVK-ONCH)

PI of the experiment or contact person A. Goljavin
Institute of the PI or of the contact person (country) IZMIRAN        (RUS)
E-mail of the PI or of the contact person
Type of experiment 1 triaxial search coil magnetometer
References about the experiment Measurements of low frequency electromagnetic field onboard the Auroral probe
satellite in the INTERBALL project: the NVK-ONCH experiment (E54.3)
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Start experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 09-09-1996
End experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 20-12-1996
Lifetime of the experiment (month) 3
Highest data rate ?????
Preliminary results (R54.3)
Measured data (k, w, Bo, E(t), B(t), polarisation, Vphase, ...) ELF/VLF electromagnetic waves
Data range 10Hz - 22kHz
Sensitivity 0.2 pT/Hz1/2 (at 10 Hz)
Time resolution 0.2s
Sampling rate ?????
Data formats and supports Magnetic tapes, CD ROMs and online data located on server
Location of the data ?????
References about the data ?????
High-resolution data (support, place, contact) ?????