General References on Wave Distribution Function Analysis

Degree theses

First author Title Reference Year
Buchalet, L.J. Analyse de champs d'ondes électromagnétiques à partir de modèles à une ou deux directions privilegiées (Analysis of electromagnetic wave fields, based on models with one or two privileged directions) Third Cycle Thesis, University of Orléans, France 1979
Hirari, M. Statistical methods and artificial neural networks in the direction finding of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves Doctor of Engineering Thesis, University of Electro- Communications, Tokyo, Japan 1996
Kasahara, Y. Study on ELF/VLF emissions in a multicomponent plasma observed by the Akebono satellite Ph.D. Thesis, Kyoto University, Japan 1995
Lagoutte, D. Analyses spectrale et bispectrale de champs d'ondes électromagnétiques: modèle AR et bicohérence (Spectral and bispectral analyses of electromagnetic wave fields: autoregressive vector model and bicoherence) Third Cycle Thesis, University of Orléans, France 1983
LeDocq, M.J. Wave normal and Poynting flux directions of magnetospheric plasma waves Ph. D. Thesis, University of Iowa, USA 1998
Lefeuvre, F. Analyse de champs d'ondes électromagnétiques aléatoires observés dans la magnétosphère à partir de la mesure simultanée de leurs six composantes (Analysis of random electromagnetic wave fields in the magnetosphere, based on simultaneous measurements of their six components) State Doctorate Thesis, University of Orléans, France 1977
Oscarsson, T. E. Stability analysis and reconstruction of wave distribution functions in warm plasmas Ph. D. Thesis, University of Umeå, Sweden. (Also published as Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Umeå, IRF Scientific Report 201) 1989
Pinçon, J.-L. Caractérisation d'un champ électromagnétique turbulent dans un plasma spatial à partir de mesures multipoints (Characterization of a turbulent electromagnetic field in a space plasma by means of multipoint measurements) University Doctorate Thesis, University of Orléans, France 1989
Prot, O. Méthode de régularisation entropique et application au calcul de la fonction de distribution des ondes (Entropy regularization method and application to the identification of the wave distribution function) University Doctorate Thesis, University of Orléans, France 2005
Santolík, O. Etude de la fonction de distribution des ondes dans un plasma chaud (A study of the wave distribution function in a hot plasma) University Doctorate Thesis, University of Orléans, France 1995
Sonwalkar, V.S. New signal analysis technique and its application to space physics Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford University, California 1986
Stenberg, G. The importance of waves in space plasmas: Examples from the auroral region and the magnetopause Doctoral Thesis, Umeå University, Sweden 2005

This list of theses has been provided by Dr. Owen Storey.
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