Name of the satellite AMPTE / CCE
Other name(s) AMPTE 1
Explorer 65
COSPAR designation 84-088A
Project(s) Manager(s) of the satellite Gilbert W. Ousley (retired)
Institute of the project(s) manager(s) NASA-GSFC
Country or Space Agency USA
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Launch date (dd-mm-yyyy) 16-08-1984
Termination date (dd-mm-yyyy) 14-07-1989
Lifetime of the satellite (month) 59
Type of the orbits HEO
(Initial) Perigee (km) 1124
(Initial) Apogee (km / Re) 49926 / 8.8
Orbital period (min / hour) 945.1 / 15.75
Spin rate (rpm) 10.2
Eccentricity 0.76
Inclination (°) 4.8
Observed regions The solar wind and the magnetosphere
Observed waves Electromagnetic waves, electrostatic waves, auroral kilometric radiations
Name of the first experiment Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE)
Name of the second experiment CCE Magnetometer (MAG)