AMPTE / CCE - CCE Magnetometer (MAG)

PI of the experiment or contact person L. J. Zanetti (PC)
Institute of the PI or of the contact person (country) APL        (USA)
E-mail of the PI or of the contact person
Type of experiment Triaxial fluxgate magnetometer mounted on a 2.4-m boom
with seven automatically switchable ranges
References about the experiment The AMPTE CCE Magnetic Field Experiment (E3.2)
Link(s) to Web site(s)
Start experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 21-08-1984
End experiment operation (dd-mm-yyyy) 09-01-1989
Lifetime of the experiment (month) 53
Highest data rate 3.3 kbps
Preliminary results AMPTE/CCE magnetic field studies of the September 4, 5, 1984 Storm (R3.2)
Measured data (k, w, Bo, E(t), B(t), polarisation, Vphase, ...) 3 components of the magnetic field
Data range from ± 16 nT to ± 65536 nT
Sensitivity from 0.002 nT to 8 nT
Time resolution ?????
Sampling rate 8.6 vector samples per second
Data formats and supports Microfiches, magnetic tape and Online
Location of the data NSSDC and Online (
References about the data
High-resolution data (support, place, contact) CD-ROM at APL